Attempting to learn Dart and Flutter: Part 3
March 29, 2019 • 3 minutes to read
So Firestore a NoSQL database, is kind of like the second generation of Firebase. Nice product, I liked it, even if you need to rethink about a lot of stuff. Lately, I've been playing with a personal project "I will have more info about this one in the next month :)" with Flutter and Firestore. Here some stuff I found with this experiment.
First Firestore/Firebase give you quite a lot, analytics, authentication, email verification, real-time data, etc. So for an MVP of the product, I want to build it's the way to go I think. Autoscale, dashboard, etc, all came with that. Pretty nice for a one-man army. Also, the integration with Flutter is really great. For sure it's a help when both products are own by the same company.
BLoC (Business Logic Component)
So after reading a lot online, and see a lot of conference on Youtube I see Google encouraged the developer to use the BLoC Pattern. Yes at the beginning that was quite hard to understand the flow and everything. But remind me a lot of what I was doing when I was using redux observable with react-native. So finally the BLoC pattern is kind of like React Context + RxJS. First, you create a BLoC who is a simple class. And after that, you create a provider who is an InheritedWidget
. This lets you have access to the BLoC himself from anywhere in the app if you wrap the full app with the provider.
Like React Context this let you jump some Widget. So no need to do props drill. But what is a BLoC? For me, because of my Redux or Mobx experience, I think of it like a Reducer or a Store. The UI trigger some action in this BLoC and this one past down the new state. I know maybe not the best way of thinking about this, but hey I'm not a master on Flutter, I learn on my free time :)
How to use BLoC with Firestore
So Firestore gives you already a stream when you retrieved data from the DB. Really nice you can pass this directly to the StreamBuilder if you want.
1return StreamBuilder(2 stream: Firestore.instance.collection('my collections').snapshots()3);
But what should I do if I want to move out of Firestore later? My UI depends too much of this if I wrap all the listener like that. So for me, I like to remove the business logic from the UI to keep it clean, and easier to refactor later.
The thing is it's easy to say perfect go and use BLoC + Firestore, but you don't gonna find too much documentation online. And the tutorials I found is not quite like I really want.
What do I want?
- Using BLoC
- But getting the typing working for me so I want model class.
What do I mean by But getting the typing working for me so I want model class.? If you use Firestore you receive from the stream a QuerySnapshot or DocumentSnaphot. This thing will return you a Map who can be used in Dart. The thing is a Map is too much dynamic for me. I'm not coming to a typing language to start doing dynamic stuff.
In Dart you can have multiple Constructor, it's a really good place if you want to create a model class who can parse himself from json or map.
1class TodoModel {2 final String title;3 final bool completed;45 TodoModel({6 this.title,7 this.completed = false,8 });910 TodoModel.fromMap(Map<dynamic, dynamic> map)11 : title = map['title'],12 completed = map['completed'];13}
As you can see here my constructor fromMap will take the map and parsed it to my object. You see the map['title']
stuff? I want that to just stay here, I don't want to start using this everywhere in my app. So that's why I say I want it type to an object. So how can we make Firestore working this way? I mean I want to be able to do inside my UI something like that.
1return Text(todo.title);
Here what I did.
My solution
P.S this is just based on some experimentation, and for my use case, I'm still learning flutter so please, I know this is surely not optimum :)
P.S I use rxdart
The Repository is just a wrapper around my FirestoreProvider
1class TodosBloc {2 final _repository = Repository();3 final _todos = BehaviorSubject<QuerySnapshot>();45 Observable<List<TodoModel>> get todos =>;67 void dispose() async {8 await _todos.drain();9 _todos.close();10 }1112 void getTodos() {13 _repository.getTodos().listen(_todos.sink.add);14 }1516 StreamTransformer<QuerySnapshot, List<TodoModel>> _todosTransformer() {17 return StreamTransformer.fromHandlers(handleData: (18 QuerySnapshot data,19 EventSink<List<TodoModel>> sink,20 ) {2122 final todos = => TodoModel.fromMap(;2324 sink.add(todos);25 }, handleError: (error, stackTrace, sink) {26 sink.addError(error);27 });28 }29}
Here is nothing crazy, I will make another post about a tutorial about it maybe later, here it's just to show you how I did the main point here is I listen to my stream from Firestore who is the stream who return a list of map to a new stream who transform his values to a list of TodoModel. Now when I want to use it I can do that.
1return StreamBuilder(2 stream: todosBloc.todos,3 builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<TodoModel>> snapshot) {4 switch (snapshot.connectionState) {5 case ConnectionState.waiting:6 return Center(7 child: CircularProgressIndicator(),8 );9 default:10 return ListView.builder(11 itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {12 final todo =[index];13 return Container(14 child: Text(todo.title),15 );16 },17 itemCount:,18 );19 }20 },21);
So now I can use my data like I want, as my class model. The autocomplete is there, and the linting also. So I cannot misspell something everywhere, the only place where I need to make sure I don't make type is the class model himself.
End word
I hope you enjoy this little post, and maybe even learn something. Let me know in the comments if you have any question :)
Happy Coding :)